While stage managing many of the mainstage productions at the University of
Florida, Kimberly became fascinated with the process of an actor attaining a role.
She sat in every audition right alongside the director—hearing his thoughts and
reactions to the talent at hand. This was the beginning of her journey into casting!
After her junior year of college, Kimberly spent the summer in New York City
interning for renowned Broadway casting director Tara Rubin. Post graduation, she
moved right back up to the city to intern for casting powerhouse, Bernard Telsey
of Telsey + Company casting. Later, as the commerical casting apprentice, she ran
sessions for such companies as Apple, Macy’s, and Target. When the city life kept
her too far from family and loved ones, Kimberly decided to make the big move back
to her home town of Atlanta to take part in the huge television and film industry
boom of the Southeast. She could not be more thankful for the Fincannons in taking
a chance on her casting chops!
Fincannon & Associates
Motion Picture & Television Casting
EST. 1983
General Taping Instructions
Always read any specific self-tape instructions provided with each audition invitation!
Start each audition with framing that shows the actor's head and shoulders only.
Sound must be clear. We recommend using a lavalier mic or shotgun mic if possible. If not, please be sure that the mic is directed towards the actor and the reader STANDS BACK so as not to overpower the actor's voice. The actor's voice should be clearly heard and the reader's should be at the same audible level if not slightly quieter.
Lighting should be good enough so we can see the color of the actor's eyes. (This is our #1 problem!)
Please tape auditions in front of a light-colored, solid wall or back-drop. Try not to have anything behind the actor that will distract the viewer's eye like furniture, pictures, winwos, etc. Again, a clearn, solid wall or backdrop is best.
One good take, please. Only do a second take if absolutely necessary or if requested. If submitting a second take, please upload as a separate video file.
SLATE: At the END of your take, have the actor stand, pull back for a full body shot and state name & height for the camera. That's all we need! Please do not slate in the beginning of your audition.
Please avoid the use of props - they can be poorly used & distracting to the viewer. Don't feel the need to take script material literally as it pertains to smoking, chewing gum, etc. Good actors shouldn't need a prop.